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Yi\ United States R\tent and Trademark Office 

United States Patent and Trademark OfTice 
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Rolf Steiger 

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DATE MAILED: 07/07/2003 


Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding. 

PTO-90C (Rev. 07-01) 

Office Action Summary 

Application No. 


Appllcant(s) ^ / 



Betelhem Shewareged 

Art Unit 


- The MAILING DATE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address ~ 
Period for Reply 


- Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a). In no event, however, may a reply be timely filed 
after SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication. 

- If the period for reply specified above is less than thirty (30) days, a reply within the statutory minimum of thirty (30) days will be considered timely. 

- If NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication. 

- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133). 

- Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed, may reduce any 
earned patent term adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b). 


1 )S Responsive to communication(s) filed on 07 April 2003 . 
2a)n This action is FINAL. 2b)^ . This action is non-final. 

3) D Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is 

closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayle, 1 935 CD. 11, 453 O.G. 213. 
Disposition of Claims 

4) S Claim(s) 1 and 3-22 is/are pending in the application. 

4a) Of the above claim(s) 19 is/are withdrawn from consideration. 

5) 0 Claim(s) is/are allowed. 

6) ^ Claim (s) 1.3-18 and 20-22 is/are rejected. 

7) D Claim(s) is/are objected to. 

8) D Claim(s) are subject to restriction and/or election requirement. 

Application Papers 

9) n The specification is objected to by the Examiner. 

10)0 The drawing(s) filed on is/are: a)n accepted or b)^ objected to by the Examiner. 

Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1 .85(a). 
11 )□ The proposed drawing correction filed on is: a)n approved b)n disapproved by the Examiner. 

If approved, corrected drawings are required in reply to this Office action. 

12) 0 The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner. 
Priority under 35 U.S.C. §§ 1 1 9 and 1 20 

13) D Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f). 

a)nAII b)n Some*c)n None of: 

1 .□ Certified copies of the priority documents have been received. 

2. n Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No. . 

3. n Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage 

application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)). 
* See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received. 

14) 0 Acknowledgment is made of a claim for domestic priority under 35 U.S.C. § 11 9(e) (to a provisional application). 

a) □ The translation of the foreign language provisional application has been received. 

15) 0 Acknowledgment is made of a claim for domestic priority under 35 U.S.C. §§ 120 and/or 121. 

1) K Notice of References Cited (PTO-892) 4) □ Interview Summary (PTO-413) Paper No(s). . 

2) n Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review (PTO-948) 5) D Notice of Infomnal Patent Application (PTO-152) 

3) □ Infomnation Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO-1449) Paper No(s) . 6) CH Other: 

U.S. Patent and Trademar1< Office 
PTO-326 (Rev. 04-01) 

Office Action Summary 

Part of Paper No. 10 

Application/Control Number: 09/867,773 Page 2 

Art Unit: 1774 


1 . Applicant's response filed on 04/07/2003 has been fully considered. The 35 
U.S.C. 112 rejection, and the 35 U.S.C 102 rejection anticipated by Kohno, Schliesman 
and Okumura have been withdrawn in view of Applicant's amendments and comments. 

2. Claim 2 is cancelled, claims 1, 4, 13 and 17 are amended, claims 20-22 are 
added, and thus claims 1 and 3-22 are pending. (NOTE: Claim 19 is still withdrawn 
from consideration as a non-elected invention). 

Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 102 

3. Claims 1, 3, 4, 9-16 and 18 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(e) as being 
anticipated by Mishima (US 6,183.851). 

Mishima discloses an ink jet recording medium comprising at least one coating 
layer provided on a support (col. 2, line 32). The outer layer of the at least one coating 
layer (hereinafter the coating layer) comprises inorganic pigments of alumina, silica 
and/or mullite [equivalent to the claimed aluminum silicate] (col. 8, lines 24-33). The 
silica may be spherical and porous (col. 8, line 36 and 45). The silica has an average 
particle diameter of 4-1 20 milli-micrometer or 4-120 nm (col. 8, line 42), and has a pore 
volume of 0.5-3 cc/g (col. 8, line 49). Since Mishima is silent as to what percentage of 
the silica has the above pore volume the examiner interprets that 100% of the silica has 
the above pore volume. The alumina can be y-alumina or 5-alumina, and has an 
average particle diameter of 4-300 milli-micrometer or 4-300 nm (col. 8, line 61). The 
alumina can be porous, and has a pore volume of 0.3-3 cc/g (col. 8, line 67). Since 

Application/Control Number: 09/867,773 Page 3 

Art Unit: 1774 

Mishima is silent as to what percentage of the alumina has the above pore volume the 
examiner interprets that 100% of the alumina has the above pore volume. A binder 
such as gelatin,. polyvinyl alcohol or polyvinyl pyrrolidone (col. 9, line 63) is contained in 
the coating layer (col. 1 1 , line 48). The coating layer further comprises silicone dioxide 
and aluminum oxide as a matting agent (col. 13, line. 25). The examiner interprets the 
silica as positively charged silica because the coating layer contains cationic surface 
active agents (col. 15, line 62) which would positively charge the silica. 

As to the limitations of the diameters of the primary particles having the largest 
volume and the smallest volume, the diameter for the particles having the smallest 
volume is equal to the diameter of the particles having the largest volume when the 
given ratio is 20/20. (NOTE: At least 1/20 includes 20/20, therefore. 20/20 * "less than 
20nm" = "less than 20nm"). 

As to the claimed diameters of the primary particles having the largest volume 
and the smallest volume in claim 4, the diameter for the particles having the smallest 
volume is equal to the diameter of the particles having the largest volume when the 
given ratio is 10/10. (NOTE: At least 1/10 includes 10/10, therefore, 10/10 * "less than 
15nm" = "less than 15nm"). 

Response to Arguments 

4. Applicant's argument is based on that Mishima fails to disclose the diameters of 
the primary particles having the largest volume and the smallest volume as recited in 
claims 1 and 4. Applicant further argued that the Examiner's calculation is not accurate. 

Application/Control Number: 09/867,773 Page 4 

Art Unit: 1774 

Applicant also indicated that Mishima's particle diameter having the smallest volume is 
4 nm, which is larger than 1nm, regarding the limitation disclosed in claim 1. Applicant 
further indicated that Mishima's particle diameter having the smallest volume is 4 nm, 
which is larger than 1 .5 nm, regarding the limitation disclosed in claim 4. Applicant's 
arguments have not been found persuasive for the following reasons. The claimed 
particle diameters having the largest volume are less than 20 nm and less than 15nm. 
Both "less than 20 nm" and "less than 15 nm" are included in the range disclosed by 
Mishima (see col. 8, lines 42 and 61). The claimed particle diameters having the 
smallest volume are at least 1/20 and at least 1/10 of the particle diameters having the 
largest volume of less than 20 nm and less than 15 nm, respectively. At least 1/20 
includes 1/20, 2/20, 3/20, ....20/20, and at least 1/10 includes 1/10, 2/10. 3/10, ....10/10. 
When the "at least 1/20" and the "at least 1/10" are 20/20 and 10/10, respectively, the 
particle diameter having the largest volume and the particle diameter having the 
smallest volume are equal, (e.g., 20/20 * "less than 20 nm" = "less than 20", or 10/10 * 
"less than 15 nm" = "less than 15 nm"). Therefore, as Applicant indicated even though 
Mishima's 4 nm is larger than 1 nm and 1.5 nm, it is still less than 20 nm and 15 nm. 
For the above reasons and since Applicant's particle diameters having the smallest 
volume are not limited to 1 nm and/or 1.5 nm, claims 1, 3, 4, 9-16 and 18 stand 

Application/Control Number: 09/867,773 Page 5 

Art Unit: 1774 

Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103 

5. The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103(a) which forms the basis for all 
obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action: 

(a) A patent may not be obtained though the invention is not identically disclosed or described as set 
forth in section 102 of this title, If the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and 
the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the 
invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains. 
Patentability shall not be negatived by the manner in which the invention was made. 

6. Claims 5-8, 17 and 20-22 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being 
unpatentable over Mishima (US 6,183,851) in view of Brugger et al. (US 6.156,419). 

Mishima discloses an Inkjet recording medium comprising at least one coating 
layer provided on a support (col. 2, line 32), The outer layer of the at least one coating 
layer (hereinafter the coating layer) comprises inorganic pigments of alumina, silica 
and/or mullite [equivalent to the claimed aluminum silicate] (col. 8, lines 24-33). The 
silica may be spherical and porous (col. 8, line 36 and 45). The silica has an average 
particle diameter of 4-120 milli-micrometer or 4-120 nm (col. 8, line 42), and has a pore 
volume of 0.5-3 cc/g (col. 8, line 49). Since Mishima is silent as to what percentage of 
the silica has the above pore volume the examiner interprets that 100% of the silica has 
the above pore volume. The alumina can be y-alumina or 5-alumina, and has an 
average particle diameter of 4-300 milli-micrometer or 4-300 nm (col. 8, line 61 ). The 
alumina can be porous, and has a pore volume of 0.3-3 cc/g (col. 8, line 67). Since 
Mishima is silent as to what percentage of the alumina has the above pore volume the 
examiner interprets that 1 00% of the alumina has the above pore volume. As to the 
limitations. of the diameters of the primary particles having the largest volume and the 
smallest volume, the diameter for the particles having the smallest volume is equal to 

Application/Control Number: 09/867,773 Page 6 

Art Unit: 1774 

the diameter of the particles having the largest volume when the given ratio is 20/20. 
(NOTE: At least 1/20 includes 20/20, therefore, 20/20 * "less than 20nm" = "less than 
20nm"). Mishima fails to disclose an aluminum oxide/hydroxide containing one or more 
of the elements with atomic number 57-71 in a total amount of 0.04 to 4.2 mole percent 
relative to AI2O3. 

Brugger teaches an ink jet recording layer consisting of a support and at least 
one ink receiving layer on the support, wherein the ink receiving layer comprises porous 
aluminum oxide/hydroxide containing at least one element of the rare earth metal series 
of the periodic table system of the elements with atomic numbers 57-71 in a total 
amount of 0.04 to 4.2 mole percent relative to AI2O3 (abstract and col. 3, line 30). 

Mishima and Brugger are analogous art because they are from the same field of 
endeavor that is the Inkjet recording art. At the time of the invention, it would have 
been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art combine the aluminum 
oxide/hydroxide of Brugger with the invention of Mishima in order to provide an Inkjet 
recording medium having high ink absorptiveness, high ink absorption rate and 
excellent image quality (see col. 2, lines 50-67 of Brugger). 

With respect to claims 5-8, Mishima does not disclose the different possible 
shapes of the particles. The experimental modification of this prior art in order to 
ascertain optimum operating conditions fails to render applicants' claims patentable in 
the absence of unexpected results. In re Aller, 105 USPQ 233. One of ordinary skill in 
the art would have been motivated to adjust the shape of the particles in order to 
optimize the transparency of the Inkjet recording medium. A prima facie case of 

Application/Control Number: 09/867,773 Page 7 

Art Unit: 1774 

obviousness may be rebutted, however, wliere the results of the optimizing variable, 
which is known to be result-effective, are unexpectedly good. In re Boesch and Slaney, 


7. Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the 
examiner should be directed to Betelhem Shewareged whose telephone number is 703- 
305-0389. The examiner can normally be reached on Mon.-Thur. 7:30AM-6:00PM. 

If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's 
supervisor, Cynthia H Kelly can be reached on 703-308-0449. The fax phone numbers 
for the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned are 703-305-5408 
for regular communications and 703-305-3599 for After Final communications. 

Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to the status of this application or 
proceeding should be directed to the receptionist whose telephone number is 703-308- 


BS - 
June 30, 2003.